
All configurable data is placed in in phpMyAdmin’s toplevel directory. If this file does not exist, please refer to the Paigaldamine section to create one. This file only needs to contain the parameters you want to change from their corresponding default value.

Vaata ka

Näited seadistuste näited

Kui parameeter puudub sinu failist, saad ta lisada oma faili uue reana. See fail on mõeldud vaikeväärtuste ülekirjutamiseks. Kui vaikimisi antud väärtus sulle sobib, siis ei pea sa vastavat rida lisama.

Disaini puudutavad parameetrid (nt. värvid) on failis themes/themename/scss/_variables.scss. Oma saidi spetsiifilise koodi lisamiseks on vaja luua failid and Need laetakse iga lehe algusesse ja lõppu.


Mõned distributsioonid (nt. Debian ja Ubuntu) hoiavad faili kataloogis /etc/phpmyadmin, mitte phpMyAdmin’i muu koodi sees.

Peamised sätted

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Muudetud versioonis 4.6.5: See säte ei olnud saadaval phpMyAdmini versioonides 4.6.0 - 4.6.4.

Määrab siia phpMyAdmin’i paigalduse kataloogi (täieliku) URL’i. Näiteks Arvesta sellega, et enamike veebiserverite puhul on URL tõstutundlik (ka Windowsis). Ära unusta lõpetavat kaldkriipsu.

Alates versioonist 2.3.0 on soovitatav jätta see tühjaks. Enamikel juhtutel suudab phpMyAdmin tuvastada sobiva väärtuse automaatselt. Selle peavad võib-olla määrama pordi edastuse (DNAT) või keerukate tagurpidi vahendajate kasutajad.

Hea test on avada tabel lehitsemiseks, muuta seal ühte rida ja salvestada. Kui phpMyAdmin ei suutnud tuvastada sobivat väärtust, siis kuvatakse veateade. Kui veateade ütlseb, et sa pead selle ise määrama, siis tee seda; kui automaatne tuvastamine ei tööta, siis palun raporteeri sellest meie veahaldussüsteemis, et me saaksime koodi parandada.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Alates versioonist 2.3.0 võimaldab phpMyAdmin töötada ülem- ja välistabelitega (vaata $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']).

Kui sa proovisid seda seadistada ja ta ei tööta sulle, vaata selles andmebaasis, milles soovid seda kasutada lehekülge Structure. Sa leiad lingi, mis lubab analüüsida, miks need võimalused on keelatud.

Kui sa ei soovi neid võimalusi kasutada, siis määra selle muutuja väärtuseks true, et keelata selle teate kuvamine.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.8.0: See on toetatud alates phpMyAdmin 4.8.0st.

Seadista autentimislogi sihtpunkt. Nurjunud (või kõigi, sõltuvalt parameetrist $cfg['AuthLogSuccess']) autentimiskatsed salvestatakse vastavalt sellele direktiivile:

Luba phpMyAdminil automaatselt valida valikute syslog ja php vahel.
Log using syslog, using AUTH facility, on most systems this ends up in /var/log/auth.log.
Log into PHP error log.
Log into PHP SAPI logging.
Any other value is treated as a filename and log entries are written there.


When logging to a file, make sure its permissions are correctly set for a web server user, the setup should closely match instructions described in $cfg['TempDir']:

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.8.0: See on toetatud alates phpMyAdmin 4.8.0st.

Whether to log successful authentication attempts into $cfg['AuthLog'].

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kuva avalehel hoiatus, kui tuvastatakse Suhosin.

Sa või määrata selle parameetri väärtuseks tõene, et lõpetada selle teate kuvamine.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kui PHP parameeter session.gc_maxlifetime väärtus on väiksem phpMyAdminis häälestatud küpsise kehtivusajast, siis kuvatakse pealehel hoiatus.

Sa või määrata selle parameetri väärtuseks tõene, et lõpetada selle teate kuvamine.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.7.0: This setting was removed as the warning has been removed as well.

Avalehel kuvatakse hoiatus, kui MySQL’i teegi ja serveri versioonide vahel on erinevus.

Sa või määrata selle parameetri väärtuseks tõene, et lõpetada selle teate kuvamine.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Seda hoiatust kuvatakse tabeli struktuuri lehel, kui vähemalt üks tabeli veergudest kannab nime, mis on MySQL’s reserveeritud sõna.

Kui sa soovid lülitada selle hoiatuse välja, siis pane ta väärtuseks tõene ja hoiatust ei kuvata enam.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Alates teatud künnisest kuva hoiatus lõpetamata transaktsioonidest.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Lubatud väärtused on:

  • ask
  • always
  • never

Määrab vaikimisi käitumise JavaScripti vigade raporteerimiseks.

Kui JavaScripti käivitamisel tuvastatakse viga, siis saadetakse kasutaja nõusolekul phpMyAdmin’i arendajatele vearaport.

Vaikimisi säte 'ask' küsib kasutaja nõusolekut iga kord, kui on uus vearaport. Sa või selle parameetri väärtuseks panna 'always', et saata vearaportid nõusolekut küsimata, või sa võid ta väärtuseks panna ka 'never', et mitte kunagi saata vearaporteid.

See säte on saadaval nii seadistuse failis kui ka kasutaja eelistustes. Kui mitme kasutaja paigaldust haldav isik eelistab selle omaduse keelata kõigile kasutajatele, siis tuleb sätte väärtuseks määrata 'never' ja $cfg['UserprefsDisallow'] säte peaks olema üks massiivi 'SendErrorReports' väärtustest.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Valides väärtuseks true saavad kasutajad käivitada päringud klahviga Enter, muidu on peab sisestama Ctrl+Enter. Reavahetuse saab sisestada vajutades Shift+Enter.

The behaviour of the console can be temporarily changed using console’s settings interface.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kui selle väärtus on tõene, siis on lubatud phpMyAdmin’i kaasamine raami, mis on võimlik turvaauk lubades rist-raamimise skriptimise (XSS) rünnakut või klõpsuhaaret. Andes sellele väärtuse ‚sameorigin‘ on takistatud phpMyAdmini kasutamine teise dokumendi raamis, väljaarvatud juhul kui see dokument kuulub samasse domeeni.

Serveri ühenduse sätted

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 massiiv, milles on toodud alljärgnevad sätted ühele serverile

Since version 1.4.2, phpMyAdmin supports the administration of multiple MySQL servers. Therefore, a $cfg['Servers']-array has been added which contains the login information for the different servers. The first $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] contains the hostname of the first server, the second $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] the hostname of the second server, etc. You can put as many sections for server definition as you need in, copy that block or needed parts (you don’t have to define all settings, just those you need to change).


Massiivi $cfg['Servers'] indeks algab ühest ($cfg[‚Servers‘][1]). Ära kasuta $cfg[‚Servers‘][0]. Kui sa soovid lisada rohkem kui ühe serveri, siis kopeeri ainult järgmine lõik (sh. $i suurendamine) iga serveri jaoks. Sa ei pea kirjeldama täielikku massiivi, ainult need väärtused, mida sa pead muutma.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Sinu MySQL serveri hostinimi või IP aadress. Nt. localhost.

Võimalikud väärtused on:

  • hostinimi; nt. 'localhost' või ''
  • IP aadress; nt. '' või ''
  • IPv6 address, e.g. 2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652
  • punkt - '.'; s.t. kasuta Windowsis nimega toru
  • tühi - '' keelab selle serveri


The hostname localhost is handled specially by MySQL and it uses the socket based connection protocol. To use TCP/IP networking, use an IP address or hostname such as or You can configure the path to the socket with $cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'].

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Sinu $i-nda MySQL serveri pordi number. Vaikimisi port on 3306 (jäta tühjaks).


Kui hostinimi on localhost, siis ignoreerib MySQL pordinumbrit ja loob ühenduse sokli kaudu. Seega, kui sa soovid luua ühendust mitte vaikimisi porti, siis anna $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] väärtuseks kas või masina tegelik nimi.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kasutatava sokli otsingurada. Vaikeväärtuse kasutamiseks jäta tühjaks. Õige sokli tuvastamiseks vaata oma MySQL’i seadistust, või kasuta käsurea klienti mysql ja käivita käsk status. Tagastatava informatsiooni seas kuvatakse ka kasutatav sokkel.


Rakendub ainult siis, kui $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] väärtus on localhost.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kas lubada SSL ühenduse kasutamine phpMyAdmin ja MySQL serveri vahel, et muuta ühendus turvaliseks.

Laiendi 'mysql' kasutamisel ei rakendu mitte ükski järgnevatest 'ssl...' sätetest.

Me soovitame selle sätte valimisel kasutada laiendust 'mysqli'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kliendi võtmefaili otsingurada, kui ühendus MySQL serveriga on turvatud SSL’ga. Seda kasutatakse kliendi autentimiseks serveris.


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_key'] = '/etc/mysql/server-key.pem';
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kliendi sertifikaadifaili otsingurada, kui ühendus MySQL serveriga on turvatud SSL’ga. Seda kasutab server kliendi autentimiseks.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Sertifitseerija sertifikaadifaili otsingurada, kui ühendus MySQL serveriga on turvatud SSL’ga.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kataloog, milles on usaldusväärsete SSL sertifitseerijate sertifikaadid PEM-vormingus.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Loeteli lubatud šifritest, mida kasutada SSL ühenduses MySQL serveriga.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.6.0: This is supported since phpMyAdmin 4.6.0.

If your PHP install uses the MySQL Native Driver (mysqlnd), your MySQL server is 5.6 or later, and your SSL certificate is self-signed, there is a chance your SSL connection will fail due to validation. Setting this to false will disable the validation check.

Since PHP 5.6.0 it also verifies whether server name matches CN of its certificate. There is currently no way to disable just this check without disabling complete SSL verification.


Disabling the certificate verification defeats purpose of using SSL. This will make the connection vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.


This flag only works with PHP 5.6.16 or later.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.7.0: This setting is no longer used as of 4.7.0, since MySQL decides the connection type based on host, so it could lead to unexpected results. Please set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] accordingly instead.

Millist ühendust sa soovid MySQL serveriga kasutada. Su valikud on 'socket' ja 'tcp'. Vaikimisi on kasutusel tcp, sest sisuliselt on see saadaval kõigi MySQL serveritega, samas kui socket on toetatud ainult mõnel platvormil. Režiimi socket kasutamisel peab MySQL server jagama masinat veebiserveriga.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kas MySQL serveri ühenduses kasutada tihendamist või mitte (eksperimentaalne).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Lubab kasutada häälestuse andmete salvestamiseks teist masinat.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Lubab luua häälestuse salvestamise masinaga ühenduse alternatiivse porti kaudu.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

This special account is used to access phpMyAdmini seadistuse salvestuskoht. You don’t need it in single user case, but if phpMyAdmin is shared it is recommended to give access to phpMyAdmini seadistuse salvestuskoht only to this user and configure phpMyAdmin to use it. All users will then be able to use the features without need to have direct access to phpMyAdmini seadistuse salvestuskoht.

Muudetud versioonis 2.2.5: neid kutsuti stduser ja stdpass


Uus versioonis 4.7.0.

You can change any MySQL connection setting for control link (used to access phpMyAdmini seadistuse salvestuskoht) using configuration prefixed with control_.

This can be used to change any aspect of the control connection, which by default uses same parameters as the user one.

For example you can configure SSL for the control connection:

// Enable SSL
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['control_ssl'] = true;
// Client secret key
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['control_ssl_key'] = '../client-key.pem';
// Client certificate
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['control_ssl_cert'] = '../client-cert.pem';
// Server certification authority
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['control_ssl_ca'] = '../server-ca.pem';
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kas autentimiseks kasutada selles serveris config, cookie, HTTP või signon meetodit.

  • ‚config‘ autentimine ($auth_type = 'config') on lihtne vana viis: kasutaja nimi ja salasõna salvestatakse failis
  • ‚cookie‘ autentimisrežiim ($auth_type = 'cookie') lubab sul meldida suvalise kehtiva MySQL kasutajana kasutades präänikuid.
  • ‚http‘ autentimine lubab meldida HTTP-Auth meetodit kasutades selleks suvalist kehtivat MySQL kontot.
  • ‚signon‘ autentimisrežiim ($auth_type = 'signon') lubab sul meldida kas PHP ettevalmistatud sessiooni andmetest või kasutades lisatud PHP skripti.
Vaikimisi väärtus:

When using auth_type = http, this field allows to define a custom HTTP Basic Auth Realm which will be displayed to the user. If not explicitly specified in your configuration, a string combined of „phpMyAdmin “ and either $cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] or $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] will be used.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis This setting was named $cfg[‚Servers‘][$i][‚auth_feebee_config‘] and was renamed before the release.

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.6.4: This setting was removed because their servers are no longer working and it was not working correctly.

Iganenud alates versioonist This setting was removed in a maintenance release because their servers are no longer working and it was not working correctly.

The name of the file containing swekey ids and login names for hardware authentication. Leave empty to deactivate this feature.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

When using $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] set to ‚config‘, this is the user/password-pair which phpMyAdmin will use to connect to the MySQL server. This user/password pair is not needed when HTTP or cookie authentication is used and should be empty.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.7.0: This setting was removed as it can produce unexpected results.

Allow attempt to log in without password when a login with password fails. This can be used together with http authentication, when authentication is done some other way and phpMyAdmin gets user name from auth and uses empty password for connecting to MySQL. Password login is still tried first, but as fallback, no password method is tried.


It is possible to allow logging in with no password with the $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] directive.

Tüüp:string or array
Vaikimisi väärtus:

If set to a (an array of) database name(s), only this (these) database(s) will be shown to the user. Since phpMyAdmin 2.2.1, this/these database(s) name(s) may contain MySQL wildcards characters („_“ and „%“): if you want to use literal instances of these characters, escape them (I.E. use 'my\_db' and not 'my_db').

This setting is an efficient way to lower the server load since the latter does not need to send MySQL requests to build the available database list. But it does not replace the privileges rules of the MySQL database server. If set, it just means only these databases will be displayed but not that all other databases can’t be used.

An example of using more that one database:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = ['db1', 'db2'];

Muudetud versioonis 4.0.0: Previous versions permitted to specify the display order of the database names via this directive.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Regular expression for hiding some databases from unprivileged users. This only hides them from listing, but a user is still able to access them (using, for example, the SQL query area). To limit access, use the MySQL privilege system. For example, to hide all databases starting with the letter „a“, use

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = '^a';

and to hide both „db1“ and „db2“ use

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = '^(db1|db2)$';

More information on regular expressions can be found in the PCRE pattern syntax portion of the PHP reference manual.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Only useful when using phpMyAdmin with multiple server entries. If set, this string will be displayed instead of the hostname in the pull-down menu on the main page. This can be useful if you want to show only certain databases on your system, for example. For HTTP auth, all non-US-ASCII characters will be stripped.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.2.0: This setting was removed. The mysql extension will only be used when the mysqli extension is not available. As of 5.0.0, only the mysqli extension can be used.

The PHP MySQL extension to use (mysql or mysqli).

Laienduse mysqli kasutamine on soovitatav kõigis paigaldustes.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Andmebaas, mida phpMyAdmin kasutab oma seadistuse hoidmiseks.

Selle dokumendi sektsioonis phpMyAdmini seadistuse salvestuskoht on toodud selle omaduse eelised ja samuti juhend, kuidas kiiresti luua andmebaas vajalike tabelitega.

If you are the only user of this phpMyAdmin installation, you can use your current database to store those special tables; in this case, just put your current database name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']. For a multi-user installation, set this parameter to the name of your central database containing the phpMyAdmin configuration storage.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.2.0.

Since release 2.2.0 phpMyAdmin allows users to bookmark queries. This can be useful for queries you often run. To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.2.4.

Since release 2.2.4 you can describe, in a special ‚relation‘ table, which column is a key in another table (a foreign key). phpMyAdmin currently uses this to:

The keys can be numeric or character.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

  • set up $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] and the phpMyAdmin configuration storage
  • put the relation table name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation']
  • now as normal user open phpMyAdmin and for each one of your tables where you want to use this feature, click Structure/Relation view/ and choose foreign columns.

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.


In the current version, master_db must be the same as foreign_db. Those columns have been put in future development of the cross-db relations.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.3.0.

Since release 2.3.0 you can describe, in a special ‚table_info‘ table, which column is to be displayed as a tool-tip when moving the cursor over the corresponding key. This configuration variable will hold the name of this special table. To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

The designer feature can save your page layout; by pressing the „Save page“ or „Save page as“ button in the expanding designer menu, you can customize the layout and have it loaded the next time you use the designer. That layout is stored in this table. Furthermore, this table is also required for using the PDF relation export feature, see $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] for additional details.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.3.0.

Since release 2.3.0 you can have phpMyAdmin create PDF pages showing the relations between your tables. Further, the designer interface permits visually managing the relations. To do this it needs two tables „pdf_pages“ (storing information about the available PDF pages) and „table_coords“ (storing coordinates where each table will be placed on a PDF schema output). You must be using the „relation“ feature.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting either of the configurations to false.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.10.0: Since release 2.10.0 a Designer interface is available; it permits to visually manage the relations.

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.3.0: This setting was removed and the Designer table positioning data is now stored into $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'].


You can now delete the table pma__designer_coords from your phpMyAdmin configuration storage database and remove $cfg['Servers'][$i]['designer_coords'] from your configuration file.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.3.0.

This part requires a content update! Since release 2.3.0 you can store comments to describe each column for each table. These will then be shown on the „printview“.

Starting with release 2.5.0, comments are consequently used on the table property pages and table browse view, showing up as tool-tips above the column name (properties page) or embedded within the header of table in browse view. They can also be shown in a table dump. Please see the relevant configuration directives later on.

Also new in release 2.5.0 is a MIME- transformation system which is also based on the following table structure. See Transformations for further information. To use the MIME- transformation system, your column_info table has to have the three new columns ‚mimetype‘, ‚transformation‘, ‚transformation_options‘.

Starting with release 4.3.0, a new input-oriented transformation system has been introduced. Also, backward compatibility code used in the old transformations system was removed. As a result, an update to column_info table is necessary for previous transformations and the new input-oriented transformation system to work. phpMyAdmin will upgrade it automatically for you by analyzing your current column_info table structure. However, if something goes wrong with the auto-upgrade then you can use the SQL script found in ./sql/upgrade_column_info_4_3_0+.sql to upgrade it manually.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

  • set up $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] and the phpMyAdmin configuration storage

  • put the table name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] (e.g. pma__column_info)

  • to update your PRE-2.5.0 Column_comments table use this: and remember that the Variable in has been renamed from $cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments'] to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info']

    ALTER TABLE `pma__column_comments`
    ADD `mimetype` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
    ADD `transformation` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
    ADD `transformation_options` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;
  • to update your PRE-4.3.0 Column_info table manually use this ./sql/upgrade_column_info_4_3_0+.sql SQL script.

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.


For auto-upgrade functionality to work, your $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] must have ALTER privilege on phpmyadmin database. See the MySQL documentation for GRANT on how to GRANT privileges to a user.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 2.5.0.

Since release 2.5.0 you can store your SQL history, which means all queries you entered manually into the phpMyAdmin interface. If you don’t want to use a table-based history, you can use the JavaScript-based history.

Using that, all your history items are deleted when closing the window. Using $cfg['QueryHistoryMax'] you can specify an amount of history items you want to have on hold. On every login, this list gets cut to the maximum amount.

The query history is only available if JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 3.5.0.

Since release 3.5.0 you can show recently used tables in the navigation panel. It helps you to jump across table directly, without the need to select the database, and then select the table. Using $cfg['NumRecentTables'] you can configure the maximum number of recent tables shown. When you select a table from the list, it will jump to the page specified in $cfg['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable'].

Without configuring the storage, you can still access the recently used tables, but it will disappear after you logout.

To allow the usage of this functionality persistently:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.2.0.

Since release 4.2.0 you can show a list of selected tables in the navigation panel. It helps you to jump to the table directly, without the need to select the database, and then select the table. When you select a table from the list, it will jump to the page specified in $cfg['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable'].

You can add tables to this list or remove tables from it in database structure page by clicking on the star icons next to table names. Using $cfg['NumFavoriteTables'] you can configure the maximum number of favorite tables shown.

Without configuring the storage, you can still access the favorite tables, but it will disappear after you logout.

To allow the usage of this functionality persistently:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 3.5.0.

Since release 3.5.0 phpMyAdmin can be configured to remember several things (sorted column $cfg['RememberSorting'], column order, and column visibility from a database table) for browsing tables. Without configuring the storage, these features still can be used, but the values will disappear after you logout.

To allow the usage of these functionality persistently:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

The table used by phpMyAdmin to store user name information for associating with user groups. See the next entry on $cfg['Servers'][$i]['usergroups'] for more details and the suggested settings.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.1.0.

Since release 4.1.0 you can create different user groups with menu items attached to them. Users can be assigned to these groups and the logged in user would only see menu items configured to the usergroup they are assigned to. To do this it needs two tables „usergroups“ (storing allowed menu items for each user group) and „users“ (storing users and their assignments to user groups).

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting either of the configurations to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.1.0.

Since release 4.1.0 you can hide/show items in the navigation tree.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.3.0.

Since release 4.3.0 you can have a central list of columns per database. You can add/remove columns to the list as per your requirement. These columns in the central list will be available to use while you create a new column for a table or create a table itself. You can select a column from central list while creating a new column, it will save you from writing the same column definition over again or from writing different names for similar column.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.5.0.

Since release 4.5.0 your designer settings can be remembered. Your choice regarding ‚Angular/Direct Links‘, ‚Snap to Grid‘, ‚Toggle Relation Lines‘, ‚Small/Big All‘, ‚Move Menu‘ and ‚Pin Text‘ can be remembered persistently.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.2.0.

Since release 4.2.0 you can save and load query-by-example searches from the Database > Query panel.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.5.0.

Since release 4.5.0 you can save and load export templates.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 3.3.x.

Since release 3.3.x a tracking mechanism is available. It helps you to track every SQL command which is executed by phpMyAdmin. The mechanism supports logging of data manipulation and data definition statements. After enabling it you can create versions of tables.

The creation of a version has two effects:

  • phpMyAdmin saves a snapshot of the table, including structure and indexes.
  • phpMyAdmin logs all commands which change the structure and/or data of the table and links these commands with the version number.

Of course you can view the tracked changes. On the Tracking page a complete report is available for every version. For the report you can use filters, for example you can get a list of statements within a date range. When you want to filter usernames you can enter * for all names or you enter a list of names separated by ‚,‘. In addition you can export the (filtered) report to a file or to a temporary database.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kas jälgimise mehhanism loob versioneerib tabelida ja vaated automaatselt.

If this is set to true and you create a table or view with


and no version exists for it, the mechanism will create a version for you automatically.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Määrab lausete nimekirja, mida kasutatakse uute versioonide loomisel automaatselt.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether a DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a view.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a table.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether a DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a database.

Tüüp:string or false
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 3.4.x.

Since release 3.4.x phpMyAdmin allows users to set most preferences by themselves and store them in the database.

If you don’t allow for storing preferences in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'], users can still personalize phpMyAdmin, but settings will be saved in browser’s local storage, or, it is is unavailable, until the end of session.

To allow the usage of this functionality:

This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration to false.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Maximum number of rows saved in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs'] table.

When tables are dropped or renamed, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs'] may contain invalid data (referring to tables which no longer exist). We only keep this number of newest rows in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs'] and automatically delete older rows.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Sets the time zone used by phpMyAdmin. Leave blank to use the time zone of your database server. Possible values are explained at

This is useful when your database server uses a time zone which is different from the time zone you want to use in phpMyAdmin.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to allow root access. This is just a shortcut for the $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] below.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to allow logins without a password. The default value of false for this parameter prevents unintended access to a MySQL server with was left with an empty password for root or on which an anonymous (blank) user is defined.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If your rule order is empty, then IP authorization is disabled.

If your rule order is set to 'deny,allow' then the system applies all deny rules followed by allow rules. Access is allowed by default. Any client which does not match a Deny command or does match an Allow command will be allowed access to the server.

If your rule order is set to 'allow,deny' then the system applies all allow rules followed by deny rules. Access is denied by default. Any client which does not match an Allow directive or does match a Deny directive will be denied access to the server.

If your rule order is set to 'explicit', authorization is performed in a similar fashion to rule order ‚deny,allow‘, with the added restriction that your host/username combination must be listed in the allow rules, and not listed in the deny rules. This is the most secure means of using Allow/Deny rules, and was available in Apache by specifying allow and deny rules without setting any order.

Please also see $cfg['TrustedProxies'] for detecting IP address behind proxies.

Tüüp:array of strings
Vaikimisi väärtus:

The general format for the rules is as such:

<'allow' | 'deny'> <username> [from] <ipmask>

If you wish to match all users, it is possible to use a '%' as a wildcard in the username field.

There are a few shortcuts you can use in the ipmask field as well (please note that those containing SERVER_ADDRESS might not be available on all webservers):

'all' ->
'localhost' ->
'localnetA' -> SERVER_ADDRESS/8
'localnetB' -> SERVER_ADDRESS/16
'localnetC' -> SERVER_ADDRESS/24

Having an empty rule list is equivalent to either using 'allow % from all' if your rule order is set to 'deny,allow' or 'deny % from all' if your rule order is set to 'allow,deny' or 'explicit'.

For the IP Address matching system, the following work:

  • (an exact IP Address)
  •[yyy-zzz] (an IP Address range)
  • (CIDR, Classless Inter-Domain Routing type IP addresses)

But the following does not work:

  •[yyy-zzz] (partial IP address range)

For IPv6 addresses, the following work:

  • xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (an exact IPv6 address)
  • xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:[yyyy-zzzz] (an IPv6 address range)
  • xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/nn (CIDR, Classless Inter-Domain Routing type IPv6 addresses)

But the following does not work:

  • xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xx[yyy-zzz] (partial IPv6 address range)


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'allow,deny';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = ['allow bob from all'];
// Allow only 'bob' to connect from any host

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'allow,deny';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = ['allow mary from 192.168.100.[50-100]'];
// Allow only 'mary' to connect from host through

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'allow,deny';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = ['allow % from 192.168.[5-6].10'];
// Allow any user to connect from host or

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'allow,deny';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] = ['allow root from','allow % from'];
// Allow any user to connect from, and additionally allow root to connect from
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Disable using INFORMATION_SCHEMA to retrieve information (use SHOW commands instead), because of speed issues when many databases are present.


Enabling this option might give you a big performance boost on older MySQL servers.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 3.5.0.

Name of PHP script to be sourced and executed to obtain login credentials. This is alternative approach to session based single signon. The script has to provide a function called get_login_credentials which returns list of username and password, accepting single parameter of existing username (can be empty). See examples/signon-script.php for an example:

 * Single signon for phpMyAdmin
 * This is just example how to use script based single signon with
 * phpMyAdmin, it is not intended to be perfect code and look, only
 * shows how you can integrate this functionality in your application.


// phpcs:disable Squiz.Functions.GlobalFunction

 * This function returns username and password.
 * It can optionally use configured username as parameter.
 * @param string $user User name
 * @return array<int,string>
function get_login_credentials(string $user): array
    /* Optionally we can use passed username */
    if (! empty($user)) {
        return [$user, 'password'];

    /* Here we would retrieve the credentials */
    return ['root', ''];
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Name of session which will be used for signon authentication method. You should use something different than phpMyAdmin, because this is session which phpMyAdmin uses internally. Takes effect only if $cfg['Servers'][$i]['SignonScript'] is not configured.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.7.0.

An associative array of session cookie parameters of other authentication system. It is not needed if the other system doesn’t use session_set_cookie_params(). Keys should include ‚lifetime‘, ‚path‘, ‚domain‘, ‚secure‘ or ‚httponly‘. Valid values are mentioned in session_get_cookie_params, they should be set to same values as the other application uses. Takes effect only if $cfg['Servers'][$i]['SignonScript'] is not configured.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

URL where user will be redirected to log in for signon authentication method. Should be absolute including protocol.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

URL where user will be redirected after logout (doesn’t affect config authentication method). Should be absolute including protocol.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.9.8.

Whether to show or hide detailed MySQL/MariaDB connection errors on the login page.


This error message can contain the target database server hostname or IP address, which may reveal information about your network to an attacker.

Generic settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:

You can disable phpMyAdmin shortcut keys by setting $cfg['DisableShortcutKeys'] to true.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If you have more than one server configured, you can set $cfg['ServerDefault'] to any one of them to autoconnect to that server when phpMyAdmin is started, or set it to 0 to be given a list of servers without logging in.

If you have only one server configured, $cfg['ServerDefault'] MUST be set to that server.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Enables check for latest versions using JavaScript on the main phpMyAdmin page or by directly accessing index.php?route=/version-check.


This setting can be adjusted by your vendor.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The url of the proxy to be used when phpmyadmin needs to access the outside internet such as when retrieving the latest version info or submitting error reports. You need this if the server where phpMyAdmin is installed does not have direct access to the internet. The format is: „hostname:portnumber“

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kasutajanimi proksi serveris autentimiseks. Autentimist ei toimu vaikimisi. Kui kasutajanimi on antud, kastutatakse lihtsa autentimise (Basic Authentication) meetodit. Muud meetodid ei ole hetkel toetatud.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Salasõna proksi serveris autentimiseks.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The maximum number of database names to be displayed in the main panel’s database list.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The maximum number of table names to be displayed in the main panel’s list (except on the Export page).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether or not to show hints (for example, hints when hovering over table headers).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The maximum number of characters when a SQL query is displayed. The default limit of 1000 should be correct to avoid the display of tons of hexadecimal codes that represent BLOBs, but some users have real SQL queries that are longer than 1000 characters. Also, if a query’s length exceeds this limit, this query is not saved in the history.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether persistent connections should be used or not.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.6.0: This setting is no longer available since phpMyAdmin 4.6.0. Please adjust your webserver instead.

Whether to force using https while accessing phpMyAdmin. In a reverse proxy setup, setting this to true is not supported.


In some setups (like separate SSL proxy or load balancer) you might have to set $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] for correct redirection.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 ['', 'localhost']

This search is case-sensitive and will match the exact string only. If your setup does not use SSL but is safe because you are using a local connection or private network, you can add your hostname or IP to the list. You can also remove the default entries to only include yours.

See kontroll kasutab $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] väärtust.

Uus versioonis 5.1.0.


$cfg['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts'] = ['', 'localhost', 'mariadb.local'];
Tüüp:integer [number of seconds]
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run. If seconds is set to zero, no time limit is imposed. This setting is used while importing/exporting dump files but has no effect when PHP is running in safe mode.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Path for storing session data (session_save_path PHP parameter).


This folder should not be publicly accessible through the webserver, otherwise you risk leaking private data from your session.

Tüüp:string [number of bytes]
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Set the number of bytes a script is allowed to allocate. If set to '-1', no limit is imposed. If set to '0', no change of the memory limit is attempted and the php.ini memory_limit is used.

This setting is used while importing/exporting dump files so you definitely don’t want to put here a too low value. It has no effect when PHP is running in safe mode.

You can also use any string as in php.ini, eg. ‚16M‘. Ensure you don’t omit the suffix (16 means 16 bytes!)

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Mark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked tables (since MySQL 3.23.30).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether SQL queries generated by phpMyAdmin should be displayed or not.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the SQL query box should be kept displayed after its submission.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to use a Javascript code editor for SQL query boxes. CodeMirror provides syntax highlighting and line numbers. However, middle-clicking for pasting the clipboard contents in some Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu) is not supported by all browsers.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.5.0.

Defines whether to use the parser to find any errors in the query before executing.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default value of the checkbox for foreign key checks, to disable/enable foreign key checks for certain queries. The possible values are 'default', 'enable' or 'disable'. If set to 'default', the value of the MySQL variable FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS is used.

Vaikimisi väärtus:


This is not a security measure as there will be always ways to circumvent this. If you want to prohibit users from dropping databases, revoke their corresponding DROP privilege.

Defines whether normal users (non-administrator) are allowed to delete their own database or not. If set as false, the link Drop Database will not be shown, and even a DROP DATABASE mydatabase will be rejected. Quite practical for ISP ‚s with many customers.

This limitation of SQL queries is not as strict as when using MySQL privileges. This is due to nature of SQL queries which might be quite complicated. So this choice should be viewed as help to avoid accidental dropping rather than strict privilege limitation.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether a warning („Are your really sure…“) should be displayed when you’re about to lose data.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Define whether the „search string inside database“ is enabled or not.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Define whether phpMyAdmin will continue executing a multi-query statement if one of the queries fails. Default is to abort execution.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether or not the drag and drop import feature is enabled. When enabled, a user can drag a file in to their browser and phpMyAdmin will attempt to import the file.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.9.8.

Define whether phpMyAdmin will encrypt sensitive data (like database name and table name) from the URL query string. Default is to not encrypt the URL query string.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 4.9.8.

A secret key used to encrypt/decrypt the URL query string. Should be 32 bytes long.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Maximum number of rows retrieved for zoom search.


Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether or not to display space usage and statistics about databases and tables. Note that statistics requires at least MySQL 3.23.3 and that, at this date, MySQL doesn’t return such information for Berkeley DB tables.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to display detailed server information on main page. Possible values are:

  • true to show all server information
  • false to hide server information
  • 'database-server' to show only database server information
  • 'web-server' to show only web server information

You can additionally hide more information by using $cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'].

Muudetud versioonis 6.0.0: Added 'database-server' and 'web-server' options.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to display the PHP information or not at the starting main (right) frame.

Please note that to block the usage of phpinfo() in scripts, you have to put this in your php.ini:

disable_functions = phpinfo()


Enabling phpinfo page will leak quite a lot of information about server setup. Is it not recommended to enable this on shared installations.

This might also make easier some remote attacks on your installations, so enable this only when needed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to display the Change password link or not at the starting main (right) frame. This setting does not check MySQL commands entered directly.

Palun pane tähele, et viit Change password ei oma mitte mingit effekti autentimisrežiimile: parool on salvestatud häälestusfailis ja lõppkasutajatel ei tohi olla võimalust muuta oma parooli.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to display the form for creating database or not at the starting main (right) frame. This setting does not check MySQL commands entered directly.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to display information about the current Git revision (if applicable) on the main panel.


Defines the minimum supported MySQL version. The default is chosen by the phpMyAdmin team; however this directive was asked by a developer of the Plesk control panel to ease integration with older MySQL servers (where most of the phpMyAdmin features work).

Andmebaasi struktuur

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to show a column displaying the charset for all tables in the database structure page.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to show a column displaying the comments for all tables in the database structure page.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the database structure page (tables list) has a „Creation“ column that displays when each table was created.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the database structure page (tables list) has a „Last update“ column that displays when each table was last updated.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the database structure page (tables list) has a „Last check“ column that displays when each table was last checked.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the table structure actions are hidden under a „More“ drop-down.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Määrab, kas kuvada veergude kommentaarid tabeli struktuuri vaates veeruna.


Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the table navigation links contain 'icons', 'text' or 'both'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If set to icons, will display icons instead of text for db and table properties links (like Browse, Select, Insert, …). Can be set to 'both' if you want icons AND text. When set to text, will only show text.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to display icons or text or both icons and text in table row action segment. Value can be either of 'icons', 'text' or 'both'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether a user should be displayed a „Show all“ button in browse mode or not in all cases. By default it is shown only on small tables (less than 500 rows) to avoid performance issues while getting too many rows.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set and no LIMIT clause is used. If the result set contains more rows, „Previous“ and „Next“ links will be shown. Possible values: 25,50,100,250,500.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether columns are displayed in ascending (ASC) order, in descending (DESC) order or in a „smart“ (SMART) order - I.E. descending order for columns of type TIME, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ascending order else- by default.

Muudetud versioonis 3.4.0: Since phpMyAdmin 3.4.0 the default value is 'SMART'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the „Show binary contents as HEX“ browse option is ticked by default.

Uus versioonis 3.3.0.

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.3.0: This setting was removed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines which action (double-click or click) triggers grid editing. Can be deactivated with the disabled value.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the initial behavior for Options > Relational. K, which is the default, displays the key while D shows the display column.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether or not to save all edited cells at once for grid editing.

Editing mode

Tüüp:boolean or string
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether BLOB or BINARY columns are protected from editing when browsing a table’s content. Valid values are:

  • false to allow editing of all columns;
  • 'blob' to allow editing of all columns except BLOBS;
  • 'noblob' to disallow editing of all columns except BLOBS (the opposite of 'blob');
  • 'all' to disallow editing of all BINARY or BLOB columns.
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether or not MySQL functions fields should be initially displayed in edit/insert mode. Since version 2.10, the user can toggle this setting from the interface.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether or not type fields should be initially displayed in edit/insert mode. The user can toggle this setting from the interface.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the default number of rows to be entered from the Insert page. Users can manually change this from the bottom of that page to add or remove blank rows.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If there are fewer items than this in the set of foreign keys, then a drop-down box of foreign keys is presented, in the style described by the $cfg['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'] setting.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(‚content-id‘, ‚id-content‘)

For the foreign key drop-down fields, there are several methods of display, offering both the key and value data. The contents of the array should be one or both of the following strings: content-id, id-content.

Export and import settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to allow the use of zip/GZip/BZip2 compression when creating a dump file

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to allow on the fly compression for GZip/BZip2 compressed exports. This doesn’t affect smaller dumps and allows users to create larger dumps that won’t otherwise fit in memory due to php memory limit. Produced files contain more GZip/BZip2 headers, but all normal programs handle this correctly.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

In this array are defined default parameters for export, names of items are similar to texts seen on export page, so you can easily identify what they mean.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Ekspordi vaikevorming.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines how the export form is displayed when it loads. Valid values are:

  • quick to display the minimum number of options to configure
  • custom to display every available option to configure
  • custom-no-form same as custom but does not display the option of using quick export
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default export compression method. Possible values are 'none', 'zip' or 'gzip'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines charset for generated export. By default no charset conversion is done assuming UTF-8.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default filename template for table exports.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default filename template for database exports.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default filename template for server exports.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Remove DEFINER clause from the event, view and routine definitions.

Uus versioonis 5.2.0.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

In this array are defined default parameters for import, names of items are similar to texts seen on import page, so you can easily identify what they mean.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines charset for import. By default no charset conversion is done assuming UTF-8.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the default format for schema export. Possible values are 'pdf', 'eps', 'dia' or 'svg'.

Tabs display settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether the menu tabs contain 'icons', 'text' or 'both'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

How many columns will be utilized to display the tables on the database property view? When setting this to a value larger than 1, the type of the database will be omitted for more display space.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 'tere tulemast'

Defines the tab displayed by default on server view. The possible values are the localized equivalent of:

  • welcome (recommended for multi-user setups)
  • andmebaasid,
  • status
  • variables
  • privileges
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the tab displayed by default on database view. The possible values are the localized equivalent of:

  • structure
  • sql
  • otsi
  • operations
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the tab displayed by default on table view. The possible values are the localized equivalent of:

  • structure
  • sql
  • otsi
  • insert
  • browse

PDF Options

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array('A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'letter', 'legal')

Array of possible paper sizes for creating PDF pages.

You should never need to change this.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default page size to use when creating PDF pages. Valid values are any listed in $cfg['PDFPageSizes'].


Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the default language to use, if not browser-defined or user- defined. The corresponding language file needs to be in locale/code/LC_MESSAGES/

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the default connection collation to use, if not user-defined. See the MySQL documentation for charsets for list of possible values.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 not set

Force language to use. The corresponding language file needs to be in locale/code/LC_MESSAGES/

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Limit list of available languages to those matching the given regular expression. For example if you want only Czech and English, you should set filter to '^(cs|en)'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

You can select here which functions will be used for character set conversion. Possible values are:

  • 'auto' - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then mbstring)
  • 'iconv' - use iconv or libiconv functions
  • 'mb' - use mbstring extension
  • 'none' - disable encoding conversion

Enabled charset conversion activates a pull-down menu in the Export and Import pages, to choose the character set when exporting a file. The default value in this menu comes from $cfg['Export']['charset'] and $cfg['Import']['charset'].

Muudetud versioonis 6.0.0: Support for the Recode extension has been removed. The 'recode' value is ignored and the default value ('auto') is used instead.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Specify some parameters for iconv used in charset conversion. See iconv documentation for details. By default //TRANSLIT is used, so that invalid characters will be transliterated.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Available character sets for MySQL conversion. You can add your own (any of supported by mbstring/iconv) or remove these which you don’t use. Character sets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently use some of these move them to the top.

Web server settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to use GZip output buffering for increased speed in HTTP transfers. Set to true/false for enabling/disabling. When set to ‚auto‘ (string), phpMyAdmin tries to enable output buffering and will automatically disable it if your browser has some problems with buffering. IE6 with a certain patch is known to cause data corruption when having enabled buffering.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Lists proxies and HTTP headers which are trusted for $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order']. This list is by default empty, you need to fill in some trusted proxy servers if you want to use rules for IP addresses behind proxy.

Järgnev näide täpsustab, et phpMyAdmin peab usaldama HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) päist, mis tuleb proksist

$cfg['TrustedProxies'] = ['' => 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];

The $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] directive uses the client’s IP address as usual.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Specifies whether GD >= 2 is available. If yes it can be used for MIME transformations. Possible values are:

  • auto - automatically detect
  • yes - GD 2 functions can be used
  • no - GD 2 function cannot be used
Vaikimisi väärtus:

We normally check the permissions on the configuration file to ensure it’s not world writable. However, phpMyAdmin could be installed on a NTFS filesystem mounted on a non-Windows server, in which case the permissions seems wrong but in fact cannot be detected. In this case a sysadmin would set this parameter to false.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Limit for length of URL in links. When length would be above this limit, it is replaced by form with button. This is required as some web servers (IIS) have problems with long URL .

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Additional string to include in allowed script and image sources in Content Security Policy header.

This can be useful when you want to include some external JavaScript files in or, which would be normally not allowed by Content Security Policy.

To allow some sites, just list them within the string:

$cfg['CSPAllow'] = '';

Uus versioonis 4.0.4.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

In the database Structure page, it’s possible to mark some tables then choose an operation like optimizing for many tables. This can slow down a server; therefore, setting this to true prevents this kind of multiple maintenance operation.

Theme settings

Please directly modify themes/themename/scss/_variables.scss, although your changes will be overwritten with the next update.

Design customization

Vaikimisi väärtus:

When set to true, hovering over an item in the navigation panel causes that item to be marked (the background is highlighted).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

When set to true, hovering over a row in the Browse page causes that row to be marked (the background is highlighted).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

When set to true, a data row is marked (the background is highlighted) when the row is selected with the checkbox.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Maximum number of characters shown in any non-numeric field on browse view. Can be turned off by a toggle button on the browse page.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines the place where table row links (Edit, Copy, Delete) would be put when tables contents are displayed (you may have them displayed at the left side, right side, both sides or nowhere).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether to show row links (Edit, Copy, Delete) and checkboxes for multiple row operations even when the selection does not have a unique key. Using row actions in the absence of a unique key may result in different/more rows being affected since there is no guaranteed way to select the exact row(s).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If enabled, remember the sorting of each table when browsing them.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

This defines the default sort order for the tables, having a primary key, when there is no sort order defines externally. Acceptable values : [‚NONE‘, ‚ASC‘, ‚DESC‘]

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

By setting the corresponding variable to true you can enable the display of column comments in Browse or Property display. In browse mode, the comments are shown inside the header. In property mode, comments are displayed using a CSS-formatted dashed-line below the name of the column. The comment is shown as a tool-tip for that column.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

This will define the first day of week in the calendar. The number can be set from 0 to 6, which represents the seven days of the week, Sunday to Saturday respectively. This value can also be configured by the user in Settings -> Features -> General -> First day of calendar field.


Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR columns. Applies to data editing and also to the default values in structure editing. Possible values are:

  • input - this allows to limit size of text to size of columns in MySQL, but has problems with newlines in columns
  • textarea - no problems with newlines in columns, but also no length limitations
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Määrab CHAR ja VARCHAR veergude jaoks loodud sisestusväljade minimaalse laiuse.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Määrab CHAR ja VARCHAR veergude jaoks loodud sisestusväljade maksimaalse laiuse.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Number of columns and rows for the textareas. This value will be emphasized (*2) for SQL query textareas and (*1.25) for SQL textareas inside the query window.

The Char* values are used for CHAR and VARCHAR editing (if configured via $cfg['CharEditing']).

Muudetud versioonis 5.0.0: The default value was changed from 2 to 7.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines whether textarea for LONGTEXT columns should have double size.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Defines if the whole textarea of the query box will be selected on click.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to enable autocomplete for table and column names in any SQL query box.

SQL query box settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to display an edit link to change a query in any SQL Query box.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to display a link to explain a SELECT query in any SQL Query box.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to display a link to wrap a query in PHP code in any SQL Query box.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to display a link to refresh a query in any SQL Query box.

Web server upload/save/import directories

If PHP is running in safe mode, all directories must be owned by the same user as the owner of the phpMyAdmin scripts.

If the directory where phpMyAdmin is installed is subject to an open_basedir restriction, you need to create a temporary directory in some directory accessible by the PHP interpreter.

For security reasons, all directories should be outside the tree published by webserver. If you cannot avoid having this directory published by webserver, limit access to it either by web server configuration (for example using .htaccess or web.config files) or place at least an empty index.html file there, so that directory listing is not possible. However as long as the directory is accessible by web server, an attacker can guess filenames to download the files.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The name of the directory where SQL files have been uploaded by other means than phpMyAdmin (for example, FTP). Those files are available under a drop-down box when you click the database or table name, then the Import tab.

If you want different directory for each user, %u will be replaced with username.

Please note that the file names must have the suffix „.sql“ (or „.sql.bz2“ or „.sql.gz“ if support for compressed formats is enabled).

This feature is useful when your file is too big to be uploaded via HTTP, or when file uploads are disabled in PHP.


Please see top of this chapter (Web server upload/save/import directories) for instructions how to setup this directory and how to make its usage secure.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Veebiserveri kataloog, kuhu salvestatakse eksporditud failid.

If you want a different directory for each user, %u will be replaced with the username.

Please note that the directory must exist and has to be writable for the user running webserver.


Please see top of this chapter (Web server upload/save/import directories) for instructions how to setup this directory and how to make its usage secure.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The name of the directory where temporary files can be stored. It is used for several purposes, currently:

This directory should have as strict permissions as possible as the only user required to access this directory is the one who runs the webserver. If you have root privileges, simply make this user owner of this directory and make it accessible only by it:

chown www-data:www-data tmp
chmod 700 tmp

If you cannot change owner of the directory, you can achieve a similar setup using ACL:

chmod 700 tmp
setfacl -m "g:www-data:rwx" tmp
setfacl -d -m "g:www-data:rwx" tmp

If neither of above works for you, you can still make the directory chmod 777, but it might impose risk of other users on system reading and writing data in this directory.


Please see top of this chapter (Web server upload/save/import directories) for instructions how to setup this directory and how to make its usage secure.

Various display setting

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Repeat the headers every X cells, or 0 to deactivate.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.3.0: This setting was removed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.3.0: This setting was removed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.3.0: This setting was removed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 4.3.0: This setting was removed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If $cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] is set to true, all your Queries are logged to a table, which has to be created by you (see $cfg['Servers'][$i]['history']). If set to false, all your queries will be appended to the form, but only as long as your window is opened they remain saved.

When using the JavaScript based query window, it will always get updated when you click on a new table/db to browse and will focus if you click on Edit SQL after using a query. You can suppress updating the query window by checking the box Do not overwrite this query from outside the window below the query textarea. Then you can browse tables/databases in the background without losing the contents of the textarea, so this is especially useful when composing a query with tables you first have to look in. The checkbox will get automatically checked whenever you change the contents of the textarea. Please uncheck the button whenever you definitely want the query window to get updated even though you have made alterations.

If $cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] is set to true you can specify the amount of saved history items using $cfg['QueryHistoryMax'].

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 6.0.0.

Allow users to create bookmarks that are available for all other users

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Enable Transformations.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

For InnoDB tables, determines for how large tables phpMyAdmin should get the exact row count using SELECT COUNT. If the approximate row count as returned by SHOW TABLE STATUS is smaller than this value, SELECT COUNT will be used, otherwise the approximate count will be used.

Muudetud versioonis 4.8.0: Vaikeväärtus alandati 50000. jõudluse tagamiseks.

Muudetud versioonis 4.2.6: The default value was changed to 500000.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

For VIEWs, since obtaining the exact count could have an impact on performance, this value is the maximum to be displayed, using a SELECT COUNT ... LIMIT. Setting this to 0 bypasses any row counting.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Sorts database and table names according to natural order (for example, t1, t2, t10). Currently implemented in the navigation panel and in Database view, for the table list.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

If set to 'closed', the visual sliders are initially in a closed state. A value of 'open' does the reverse. To completely disable all visual sliders, use 'disabled'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Contains names of configuration options (keys in $cfg array) that users can’t set through user preferences. For possible values, refer to classes under src/Config/Forms/User/.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Uus versioonis 3.4.0.

Activates in the user preferences a tab containing options for developers of phpMyAdmin.

Lehe pealkirjad

The page title displayed by your browser’s window or tab title bar can be customized. You can use 6.27 What format strings can I use?. The following four options allow customizing various parts of the phpMyAdmin interface. Note that the login page title cannot be changed.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Theme manager settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Enables user-selectable themes. See 2.7 Using and creating themes.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

The default theme (a subdirectory under ./public/themes/).

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Whether to allow different theme for each server.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Iganenud alates versioonist 5.0.0: This setting was removed as the browser is more efficient, thus no need of this option.

Font size to use, is applied in CSS.

Default queries

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Default queries that will be displayed in query boxes when user didn’t specify any. You can use standard 6.27 What format strings can I use?.

MySQL settings

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array('FUNC_CHAR' => '', 'FUNC_DATE' => '', 'FUNC_NUMBER' => '', 'FUNC_SPATIAL' => 'GeomFromText', 'FUNC_UUID' => 'UUID', 'first_timestamp' => 'NOW')

Functions selected by default when inserting/changing row, Functions are defined for meta types as (FUNC_NUMBER, FUNC_DATE, FUNC_CHAR, FUNC_SPATIAL, FUNC_UUID) and for first_timestamp, which is used for first timestamp column in table.


$cfg['DefaultFunctions'] = [
    'FUNC_CHAR' => '',
    'FUNC_DATE' => '',
    'FUNC_NUMBER' => '',
    'FUNC_SPATIAL' => 'ST_GeomFromText',
    'FUNC_UUID' => 'UUID',
    'first_timestamp' => 'UTC_TIMESTAMP',

Teisenduste vaikesätted

Vaikimisi väärtus:
 Massiiv alljärgnevalt loetletud võtmete-väärtustega
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(0, ‚all‘, ‚…‘)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(‚T‘, ‚F‘)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(0, ‚-f /dev/null -i -wrap -q‘, 1, 1)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(‚‘, ‚‘)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(0, ‚‘, ‚local‘)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(‚100‘, 100)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(‚‘, 100, 50)
Vaikimisi väärtus:
 array(‚‘, ‚‘, ‚‘)

Konsooli seaded


These settings are mostly meant to be changed by user.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kuva päringu ajalugu alguses

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Laienda päringu teated alati

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kuva valitud lehitsemise päring

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Käivita päringud klahviga Enter ja lisa reavahetused kombinatsiooniga Shift+Enter

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Vali tume teema

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Konsooli režiim

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Konsooli kõrgus



These settings might have huge effect on performance or security.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Sets the working environment.

This only needs to be changed when you are developing phpMyAdmin itself. The development mode may display debug information in some places.

Possible values are 'production' or 'development'.

Vaikimisi väärtus:
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Enable logging queries and execution times to be displayed in the console’s Debug SQL tab.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Enable logging of queries and execution times to the syslog. Requires $cfg['DBG']['sql'] to be enabled.

Vaikimisi väärtus:

Enable to let server present itself as demo server. This is used for phpMyAdmin demo server.

Hetkel muudab see järgmist käitumist:

  • There is welcome message on the main page.
  • There is footer information about demo server and used Git revision.
  • Häälestusskript on lubatud isegi praeguse konfiguratsiooniga.
  • Häälestus ei proovi luua ühendust MySQL serveriga.
Vaikimisi väärtus:

Kaheastmelise autentimise testimiseks saab kasutada Lihtne kaheastmeline autentimine.


See following configuration snippets for typical setups of phpMyAdmin.

Lihtne näide

Example configuration file, which can be copied to to get some core configuration layout; it is distributed with phpMyAdmin as Please note that it does not contain all configuration options, only the most frequently used ones.

 * phpMyAdmin sample configuration, you can use it as base for
 * manual configuration. For easier setup you can use setup/
 * All directives are explained in documentation in the doc/ folder
 * or at <>.


 * This is needed for cookie based authentication to encrypt the cookie.
 * Needs to be a 32-bytes long string of random bytes. See FAQ 2.10.
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ''; /* YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FOR COOKIE AUTH! */

 * Servers configuration
$i = 0;

 * First server
/* Authentication type */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

 * phpMyAdmin configuration storage settings.

/* User used to manipulate with storage */
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlhost'] = '';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlport'] = '';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = 'pma';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = 'pmapass';

/* Storage database and tables */
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = 'phpmyadmin';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = 'pma__bookmark';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = 'pma__relation';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = 'pma__table_info';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = 'pma__table_coords';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = 'pma__pdf_pages';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = 'pma__column_info';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = 'pma__history';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs'] = 'pma__table_uiprefs';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['tracking'] = 'pma__tracking';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['userconfig'] = 'pma__userconfig';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['recent'] = 'pma__recent';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['favorite'] = 'pma__favorite';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['users'] = 'pma__users';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['usergroups'] = 'pma__usergroups';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['navigationhiding'] = 'pma__navigationhiding';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['savedsearches'] = 'pma__savedsearches';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['central_columns'] = 'pma__central_columns';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['designer_settings'] = 'pma__designer_settings';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['export_templates'] = 'pma__export_templates';

 * End of servers configuration

 * Directories for saving/loading files from server
$cfg['UploadDir'] = '';
$cfg['SaveDir'] = '';

 * Whether to display icons or text or both icons and text in table row
 * action segment. Value can be either of 'icons', 'text' or 'both'.
 * default = 'both'
//$cfg['RowActionType'] = 'icons';

 * Defines whether a user should be displayed a "show all (records)"
 * button in browse mode or not.
 * default = false
//$cfg['ShowAll'] = true;

 * Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result
 * set contains more rows, "Previous" and "Next".
 * Possible values: 25, 50, 100, 250, 500
 * default = 25
//$cfg['MaxRows'] = 50;

 * Disallow editing of binary fields
 * valid values are:
 *   false    allow editing
 *   'blob'   allow editing except for BLOB fields
 *   'noblob' disallow editing except for BLOB fields
 *   'all'    disallow editing
 * default = 'blob'
//$cfg['ProtectBinary'] = false;

 * Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined
 * (you find all languages in the locale folder)
 * uncomment the desired line:
 * default = 'en'
//$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'en';
//$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'de';

 * How many columns should be used for table display of a database?
 * (a value larger than 1 results in some information being hidden)
 * default = 1
//$cfg['PropertiesNumColumns'] = 2;

 * Set to true if you want DB-based query history.If false, this utilizes
 * JS-routines to display query history (lost by window close)
 * This requires configuration storage enabled, see above.
 * default = false
//$cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] = true;

 * When using DB-based query history, how many entries should be kept?
 * default = 25
//$cfg['QueryHistoryMax'] = 100;

 * Whether or not to query the user before sending the error report to
 * the phpMyAdmin team when a JavaScript error occurs
 * Available options
 * ('ask' | 'always' | 'never')
 * default = 'ask'
//$cfg['SendErrorReports'] = 'always';

 * 'URLQueryEncryption' defines whether phpMyAdmin will encrypt sensitive data from the URL query string.
 * 'URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey' is a 32 bytes long secret key used to encrypt/decrypt the URL query string.
//$cfg['URLQueryEncryption'] = true;
//$cfg['URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey'] = '';

 * You can find more configuration options in the documentation
 * in the doc/ folder or at <>.


Don’t use the controluser ‚pma‘ if it does not yet exist and don’t use ‚pmapass‘ as password.

Sisselogimise autentimise näide

This example uses examples/signon.php to demonstrate usage of Sisselogimise autentimisrežiim:

$i = 0;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'signon';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['SignonSession'] = 'SignonSession';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['SignonURL']     = 'examples/signon.php';

Example for IP address limited autologin

If you want to automatically login when accessing phpMyAdmin locally while asking for a password when accessing remotely, you can achieve it using following snippet:

if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] === '') {
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'yourpassword';
} else {
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';


Filtering based on IP addresses isn’t reliable over the internet, use it only for local address.

Mitme MySQL serveri kasutamise näide

You can configure any number of servers using $cfg['Servers'], following example shows two of them:

// The string is a hexadecimal representation of a 32-bytes long string of random bytes.
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = sodium_hex2bin('f16ce59f45714194371b48fe362072dc3b019da7861558cd4ad29e4d6fb13851');
$i = 0;

$i++; // server 1 :
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose']   = 'no1';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']      = 'localhost';
// more options for #1 ...

$i++; // server 2 :
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose']   = 'no2';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']      = '';//or ip:''
// this server must allow remote clients, e.g., host 10.9.8.%
// not only in but also in the startup configuration
// more options for #2 ...

// end of server sections
$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 0; // to choose the server on startup

// further general options ...

Google Cloud SQL with SSL

To connect to Google Could SQL, you currently need to disable certificate verification. This is caused by the certificate being issued for CN matching your instance name, but you connect to an IP address and PHP tries to match these two. With verification you end up with error message like:

Peer certificate CN=`api-project-851612429544:pmatest' did not match expected CN=`'


With disabled verification your traffic is encrypted, but you’re open to man in the middle attacks.

To connect phpMyAdmin to Google Cloud SQL using SSL download the client and server certificates and tell phpMyAdmin to use them:

// IP address of your instance
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
// Use SSL for connection
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] = true;
// Client secret key
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_key'] = '../client-key.pem';
// Client certificate
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_cert'] = '../client-cert.pem';
// Server certification authority
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_ca'] = '../server-ca.pem';
// Disable SSL verification (see above note)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_verify'] = false;

Amazon RDS Aurora with SSL

To connect phpMyAdmin to an Amazon RDS Aurora MySQL database instance using SSL, download the CA server certificate and tell phpMyAdmin to use it:

// Address of your instance
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
// Use SSL for connection
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] = true;
// You need to have the region CA file and the authority CA file (2019 edition CA for example) in the PEM bundle for it to work
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_ca'] = '../rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem';
// Enable SSL verification
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl_verify'] = true;

reCaptcha using hCaptcha

$cfg['CaptchaApi'] = '';
$cfg['CaptchaCsp'] = ' https://*';
$cfg['CaptchaRequestParam'] = 'h-captcha';
$cfg['CaptchaResponseParam'] = 'h-captcha-response';
$cfg['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'] = '';
// This is the secret key from hCaptcha dashboard
$cfg['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'] = '0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
// This is the site key from hCaptcha dashboard
$cfg['CaptchaLoginPublicKey'] = 'xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx';

Vaata ka

hCaptcha website

reCaptcha using Turnstile

$cfg['CaptchaMethod'] = 'checkbox';
$cfg['CaptchaApi'] = '';
$cfg['CaptchaCsp'] = '';
$cfg['CaptchaRequestParam'] = 'cf-turnstile';
$cfg['CaptchaResponseParam'] = 'cf-turnstile-response';
$cfg['CaptchaLoginPublicKey'] = '0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$cfg['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'] = '0x4AAAAAAAA_xx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$cfg['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'] = '';

reCaptcha using Google reCaptcha v2/v3

$cfg['CaptchaLoginPublicKey'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$cfg['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'] = 'xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
// Remove it if you dot not want the checkbox mode
$cfg['CaptchaMethod'] = 'checkbox';